Этот ужасный тротуар преследует — я чищу тротуар, чтобы напомнить сознанию

This horrible sidewalk is haunting - I clean the sidewalk to remind consciousness Horrified by a sidewalk overgrown with grass and a lot of trash hidden in the grass. A bustling urban area but no one cares to clean the sidewalk. Authorities ignore it. People lack awareness. They even litter on the sidewalk. People ignore it when they see us cutting grass, cleaning up trash, sorting trash and collecting it for processing. We hope that the authorities will take measures to fix and handle the environmental sanitation situation. What do you think about this? Please leave your comments below the video. Thank you very much. I LOVE EVERYONE! #lawn #overgrown #cleaning #nobody #sidewalk #rescue #cleanup #grass FOLLOW: @Lawn-Overgrown

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