Латвия. Берег Балтийского моря: Юркалне (Jūrkalne) и МАЯК Ужава (Užavas bāka) - особая красота

в 7:40 Маяк Ужава (Uzava lighthouse) Июль 2024 Маяк Ужава (Užavas bāka) - Один из самых живописных маяков Балтики. Находится на вершине дюны, окружен лесом. Обрывистый берег моря в Юркалне (Jūrkalne) – одно из наиболее живописных мест на латвийском морском побережье с тихим, не затронутым цивилизацией пляжем и обрывистым берегом, высота которого достигает 20 метров. ----------- The Jurkalne Bluffs are one of the most picturesque parts of Latvia’s seashore, with a quiet beach untouched by civilisation and bluffs of up to 20 metres high. The bluffs in Jurkalne belong to the landslide-landfall type. The largest amount of erosion can be observed in Jurkalne. The stairs that lead from the top of the bluffs to the beach have been replaced many times, due to the shore receding after powerful storms. It has been noticed that the shore can recede as fast as a few metres a year. Jurkalne offers ample opportunities for spending your holidays — either quietly in front of the see, or more actively: this is an excellent location for paragliding, windsurfing, kiteboarding and paddle boarding. The lighthouse of Užava has been included in the list of the national protected cultural monuments and is located about 20 km south from Ventspils. It stands on one of the three high wooded dunes – the so-called Teniroka dune (28 m high). From afar, this dune reminds people of a baking over, therefore, in the 19th century the German name of Užava lighthouse was Bakofen. ------- Jūrkalnes stāvkrasts ir viena no gleznainākajām jūras piekrastēm Latvijā, kas lepojas ar skaistu smilšu pludmali un augstāko stāvkrastu Latvijā.

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