Pac-Land (Arcade) - Gameplay (100 Rounds)

Like many Arcade games of that era, Pac-Land never ends: the first 16 Rounds (from 1 to 16) are "introductory", but the second 16 Rounds (from 17 to 32) loop forever, with a slight increase in difficulty. Because of that, I wasn't sure where to stop this video, so I decided to see if I could overflow (or at least rollback) something. The first candidate was the score, but it kept on counting just fine even after I reached one million points. The Round number, instead, goes from 99 to 0, so that's where I stopped. I guess it's a mere display issue, though, it probably keeps on counting just fine as well (even if behind the scenes), but I didn't feel like playing for 256 Rounds just to test this theory. So here it is, 100 Rounds of Pac-Land, I hope you have 75 minutes to waste.

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