остров Тасос - Thassos

Та̀сос (на гръцки: Θάσος; на турски: Taşöz) е остров в северната част на Бяло море, близо до брега на географската област Македония, при устието на река Места. В административно отношение е община в регион Източна Македония и Тракия. Главен град е Тасос, наричан често Лименас (тоест Пристанище). Второто по големина селище е Лименария. С площ от 380,1 km², това е дванадесетият най-голям остров в Гърция. Източник:
hasos or Thassos (Greek: Θάσος, Thásos) is a Greek island in the North Aegean Sea. It is the northernmost major Greek island, and 12th largest by area. The island has an area of 380 km2 and a population of about 13,000. It forms a separate regional unit within the East Macedonia and Thrace region. Before the local administration reform of 2011, it was part of the Kavala Prefecture. The largest town and the capital is Thasos, officially known as Limenas Thasou, "Port of Thasos", situated at the northern side. It is connected with the mainland by regular ferry lines between Keramoti and Thassos town, and between the regional centre of Kavala and Skala Prinou. Thasos's economy relies on timber from its forests, marble quarries, olive oil, and honey. Tourism has also become important since the 1960s, although not to the level of other Greek islands. Source:

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