Прохождение Bloodstained Curse of the Moon

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Мой ПК: Тип ЦП HexaCore Intel Core i7-8700K, 4733 MHz Видеоадаптер nVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 Ti (Palit Super JetStream) ОЗУ DDR4 Corsair 3200 MHz 32Gb Системная плата ASRock Z270 Extreme4 Мышь A4Tech XL-755BK Микро BM 800 Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon is a 2018 platform game developed and published by Inti Creates. It is a companion title to developer ArtPlay's Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night and was conceived to fulfill the promise for a retro-style accompaniment to Ritual of the Night after its Kickstarter campaign exceeded crowdfunding goals. Curse of the Moon follows Zangetsu, a cursed swordsman hunting down demons for revenge, as well as three other playable characters named Miriam, Alfred and Gebel. It features an 8-bit aesthetic and gameplay style similar to Castlevania games on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), particularly Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (1989). The game was developed in six months, revealed at a Japanese indie game festival, and released two weeks later. Critics found the game a satisfying homage to Castlevania III. Some felt the game adhered too closely to its inspiration, while others praised new options and game modes for adding a more modern feel. The game was found to be short albeit fulfilling for its purpose as a prelude to Ritual of the Night.

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