Shooter: Starfighter Sanvein - PS1 (2001)

From developer Success. You have the priviledge to continue this battle. Known abroad as Sanvein, a late PS1 shmup that's unline any other I've played. It's fast-paced and frenetic with the timer impossible to ignore imposing over almost a quarter of the screen, and instead of health when you're shot you lose precious seconds. That tension keeps the player charging through stages, and with very forgiving continues the gameplay is very low on frustration, at least in these early levels. The controls are a bit different than I was expecting, with the craft turning at something akin to the way a jetski turns, and the speed ramping up at sometimes inopportune moments as you try to navigate around enemy projectiles. Curiously the HUD and other visual elements clutter up the screen so much that discerning hazards behind giant numbers and text and flashing grids makes up the primary of difficulty in these early levels. This is an odd game and I like it. The stylized interface and bold text remind me of Evangelion.

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