давня весна - Early Spring

Ukrainian song. Lyrics by Ukrainian poet, political, civil and female activist Lesya Ukrainka. Lyrics in Ukrainian: Була весна весела, щедра, мила, промінням грала, сипала квітки, вона летіла хутко, мов стокрила, за нею вслід співучії пташки! Все ожило, усе загомоніло — зелений шум, веселая луна! Співало все, сміялося, бриніло, а я лежала хвора й самотна. Я думала: «Весна для всіх настала, дарунки всім несе вона, ясна, для мене тільки дару не придбала, мене забула радісна весна». Ні, не забула! У вікно до мене заглянули від яблуні гілки, замиготіло листячко зелене, посипались білесенькі квітки. Моя душа ніколи не забуде того дарунку, що весна дала; весни такої не було й не буде, як та була, що за вікном цвіла. Lyrics in English: Early Spring Last spring funny, generous, sweet. Rays played, sprinkled flower. She quickly flew like stokryla, Behind her followed spivuchiyi birds! All lived all zahomonilo - Green noise veselaya echo! Sang all laughed and brynilo, I lay sick and lonely. I thought: "Spring has come for all. Gifts carries all of it, of course. For me the only gift is not acquired, I forgot joyful spring. " No, I have not forgotten! In the window to me Looked from the tree branches. Lystyachko flashed green, Bilesenki showered flower. My soul will never forget The present, given that spring; Spring this has not been and will not be, As she was that outside the mold. Comment Verse Lesya Ukrainian "Early Spring" autobiographical associated with the poet's own feelings, which had a serious illness and had to lie to suffer through the pain. Its only fun and joy of a piece of blue sky in the window blossoming apple branches, fresh breeze wafting through an open window the window, and the birds singing. Everything else added imagination and fantasy girls. And remember the old spring as a gift of fate, because taught to appreciate the smallest pleasures of life, tempered will.

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