1CCBBH - 132. Bust-A-Move Again (Puzzle Bobble 2 US)

Wait, this is Bust-A-Move? Where did Bub and Bob go?!? I did a writeup on this game ages ago on my old website if you want to know more:
The full archive of 1CCBBH Episode 16 can be found at: https://www.twitch.tv/videos/854382573
1CCBBH is my new stream project in which I'm attempting to clear as many arcade games as possible on 1 credit, without continues. I am currently going through a bunch of games I've cleared before, and eventually will be tackling some new games I hadn't gotten a 1CC on yet. 1CCBBH is streamed live every Monday at 5pm Pacific / 8pm Eastern http://www.twitch.tv/lordbbh
Playlist of all games cleared so far on 1CCBBH - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzM8Fj-Rklts0rs5XGlQvdiMiQX1eJII6

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