COBIA GETS DESTROYED - DON'T DO THIS - BOAT FAIL | ROUGH INLETS | Boats at Jupiter Inlet Where did the captain go wrong in this boat fail? UPDATE - I did learn after posting this video that the front cooler on this vessel is removable and not glassed in like the current model. The boat handled it quite well considering the conditions, I was impressed it got back and kept from broaching over. Craziest day of 2021 so far. Just when I was about to give up assuming no one would leave the inlet this Cobia sent it. Angry wave after angry wave crushes the boat as it crosses the outside bar at Jupiter. This boat came very close to flipping over as it turned right in front of a breaking wave. There is a lot to learn from this clip, let me know your thoughts down below. All kinds of boats in Jupiter, FL Palm Beach County transiting one of the most dangerous inlets in Florida. These boats can get themselves in trouble easily if they don't use the correct speed and choose the right lines at Jupiter Inlet. Some weekends there are more awesome boats going in and out of Jupiter Inlet than a boat show. Enjoy the video and don't forget to hit that like button to support the channel. As always, thank you for viewing! If you enjoy the content, hit the subscribe button. It helps me film and produce these videos. Got many more on the way! Boats Featured in this video: Cobia 344 - Triple 300hp Yamaha Outboards All make and model are my best guess based on the video recorded. Let me know any mistakes in the comment section. Thank You for all the support, Like, comment, and subscribe to help grow the channel.

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