PS4 Longplay [119] Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut (US)

Played by: Tsunao Metroidvania-y game by Wayforward! Follow half-genie Shantae as runs around Sequin Land to find seals before evil pirate lady Risky Boots. There be many colorful characters. Gameplay is like a Metroidvania: you find collectables to get past obstacles, such as transformations and spells. Not sure what the difference is from the original DSiWare game. I think it's Magic Mode. Iunno. This longplay bellydances for 100% item collection in Magic Mode (half defense, reduced Magic consumption) in a...bad speedrunning condition. Didn't skip dialogue, by the way. There's a bit of image corruption on Battle Tower revisit for a Magic Jam. That's the only instance of it. There's a bit of inconsistency when going to the Mermaid Cliffs. I had to rerecord a good chunk of the game because the video was messed up.

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