Twin Tiger Shark: Not the SAME! - Arcade 2-ALL clear (1CC / 1 life clear)

The subtitle is not just another reference to Toaplan's "Same" series, this is the arcade version of Twin Tiger Shark, which is essentially a completely different game with new stages, new mechanics, and new boss fights. In my opinion a fantastic tribute to many of the best of Toaplan's classic shooters, with a great sense of enemy design and bullet patterns, featuring the classic sniper tanks constantly keeping you on your move. That said, I think the blue weapon is ridiculously overpowered when at max level. The game actually gets a lot of fun if you get hit and need to recover, requiring you to dodge quite a lot more bullets. But you won't see any of that in this run, because its a 1 life clear of both loops, including of course the 6th bonus stage that only appears on the second one.

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