Dungeon Master II: The Legend of Skullkeep playthrough Part 1

And here we come to the SLOWEST game I've done on the show so far. Dungeon Master 2, a traditional dungeon crawler. Tile-based map, but real-time instead of movement based. Four-character party which you thaw out from their stasis pods in the Hall of Champions - or the Meat Locker as I call it, so that they can become your unquestioning slaves. Yea.... Early to mid 90's computer RPGs were exhausting. They were unintuitive, obtuse, complex mechanics that made no real sense for gameplay. Things like having to place coins one at a time on a table to barter. Things like casting spells via runes, which you had to remember (or write down), and took spell power just to SELECT the runes, not just use them. Combat consisting of clicking the weapon, clicking what to do with it, waiting for the cooldown to end.. And the early game, either I am doing it very, VERY wrong, or there is a severe lack of balance. Enemies go from easy to one-shotting you in no time. Now, maybe I'm supposed to slowly upgrade my gear one piece at a time in baby steps, but so far all I've purchased is the best mace I can for my fighter. From now on I will try the baby step approach with armor. And hopefully it will let me progress a bit further. I've not found any clues for how to advance to any of the other areas yet, and maybe I just missed 'em. But.. yea, this is why I never finished this game. This is why I never finished most mid to late 90's RPGs. They are taxing, and overly time consuming. -- Watch live at https://www.twitch.tv/the_nametag

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