Он не мог перестать плакать! Мы не можем себе представить, как ему было страшно и больно!

He couldn't stop crying! We can't imagine how frightened and in pain he was! He's just over two months old and fate has already had its way with him.... 😢 A call alerted us that a puppy had been found run over and injured, a few minutes later he arrived at our centre. He has a fractured hip, a displaced femur head, high fever and a wound completely full of worms that were eating him alive.... He couldn't stop crying... And we couldn't stop consoling him... And we couldn't believe it either... Because the myiasis in his wound indicated that he had already been like this for some time. Special thanks to: Fundación Benjamín Mehnert #themoho, #abandonedkittens

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