The Mafat Conspiracy Video Walkthrough

At the request of Russel (who wishes to remain locationless) I present to you a video walkthrough / playthrough / runthrough / etc of the NES game The Mafat Conspiracy. For those of you who don't know, this game is based off the Golgo 13 anime / manga / etc. This was quite the fun game since you weren't always doing the same thing in each level. I did have to use a map on the side to figure out where to go for the maze sections though. Those can get a bit confusing if you ever get lost... I did get hit a few times here and there, but I think I did a fairly decent job getting through the game without too much trouble. I will admit though I am not the best at the driving section...I prefer an automatic to a manual shift... :P I do wish there were a few more sniping sections. Those were quite fun once you understand how to adjust for the wind. I have to say, Togo is quite the guy to be able to keep his cool throughout the game. Who else do you know that'll take his time walking out of a building that will explode, all the while keeping his hands in his pockets? :P

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