Станьте спонсором цього каналу, щоб отримувати бонуси: / @scienceuaofficial Telegram ScienceUA: Instagram: / pashapalinichak TikTok: / scienceua Facebook: / ppalinichak Допомогти розвитку каналу: 5168745022307687 Buymeacoffee: Джерела: Current World Population - 8 Billion and Growing: World Population Milestones Throughout History - World Population Growth Rate 1950-2023 - Life expectancy - Population: World - Population, total - Least developed countries: UN classification - How Can Population Density Affect Economic Growth? - Population density - Population growth rate - Humanae Vitae - The effect of power in sexual relationships on sexual and reproductive health: an examination of the evidence - Per capita CO2 emissions - Theories of International Migration: A Review and Appraisal - WORLD MIGRATION REPORT 2018 - International migration, remittances and development: myths and facts - Fertility rate - World Population Prospects 2022 (дані оон) - The Impact of Science on Population Growth - The world population explosion: causes, backgrounds and projections for the future - How Many People Can the Earth Support? - A Concise History of World Population - Demography: Measuring and Modeling Population Process - HUMAN POPULATION GROWS UP - A Scientists Warning to humanity on human population growth - Таймкоди: 00:00 - Вступ 00:53 - Історія 08:01 - Демографічний перехід 12:02 - Наслідки демографічного вибуху 12:50 - Бідність і голод 14:34 - Вплив на навколишнє середовище 17:08 - Міграція 18:52 - Майбутнє 24:05 - Що робити далі?