The Smurfs - The Teletransport Smurf full theme

Smurf, how I love this game. Hand-smurfed animations, pleasant atmosmurf and smurfcinating gameplay. Not to mention this music. Aside of this full track there are two shorter snippets of this same track. This game is quite like a board game for smurfmerous reasons. Up to four smurfers can go for smurfgredients of the "teletransport smurf", with which Papasmurf can bring Smurfette out from Gargamel's hut smurfstantly. There are plenty of nice minigames, in some of which smurftrols may require getting used to. Also, Gargamels traps, as well as losing in minigames, smurfsure that one smurfer has to wait his turn. One of the minigames should have had some ambient sound playing. Only French, German and Italian smurfsions were smurfed as a smurfload, but there is English smurfsion exist as well. If anybody has this smurfsion, could he smurf it somewhere as a smurfload too? And if you're not sure what kind of game this is:    • The Teletransport Smurf - Full Playth...   (c) Infogrames/Lafig S.A.

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