Pyon Pyon Kyaruru no Mahjong Hiyori [ぴょんぴょんキャルルのまあじゃん日和] Game Sample - Sega Saturn

"Pyon Pyon Kyaruru no Mahjong Hiyori" is a Mahjong game that exists for Sega Saturn... that's all that really needs to be said, but I guess I'll go into more detail. Published by Natsume in 1996 with development being handled by Natsu System (you would think they're some sort of subsidiary of Natsume, but they're not), the game is... cute... and all-ages... and I guess that counts for something. The game has spoken dialogue, which is decent (even though the "main" character, Kyaruru, is a little obnoxious). Things are easy enough to identify. Music plays and is a little more than halfway decent. That sort of thing. Truth be told, there are SO MANY mahjong games out there that one truly has to do something great to really stand out (either through audio / video design or some additional gimmick), and Kyaruru does basically the exact opposite; it's colorful but not well-animated (it barely has any animation at all), has a small cast of characters, has no real gimmicks to set itself apart from others (there is one unlockable character and some in-game art and such, but yeah) and the difficulty is completely random (with the computer sometimes "Reaching" on the first turn). You also have to take all of the opposing player's money / points to move on to the next round, which isn't unheard of, but it's a little annoying here due to the aforementioned. In-game options are basic. PPKnMH doesn't do anything egregiously, but is perhaps even more offensive by just how mediocre it is; at least if it was really bad, it would make for a fun drunken game night, but no such luck here. There is only one thing worth mentioning here in the context of Mahjong video games: it is one of the few titles I've seen where you can declare an "Open Reach". Essentially, this move is the same as a regular Reach but with the caveat that your opponent gets to see your whole hand, so you essentially have to rely on a Tsumo (draw the winning tile yourself) to win. As this is a more difficult Reach, you gain a score bonus if you can win in this manner and get a further bonus if your opponent isn't paying attention and accidentally discards a tile you can use for a Ron (as an added punishment for their folly). I would've probably appreciated this gesture a little more if it was in a better game but I still give credit where credit is due as it's not something you commonly see. Besides that, I'd use this game strictly as a gateway to get your sons, daughters, nieces, nephews, or otherwise anyone who isn't over the age of ten, to learn a little about Mahjong. Natsu System as a whole is not a developer that you'll expect much from in terms of quality; their most significant contributions are probably "Umibe de Reach!" ("Beach de Reach!") and "CRW: Counter Revolution War", but if I encounter any of their other games, I'll give them a fair shake. If you want cool Mahjong offerings, there are plenty out there, and not even all of them involve stripping (although a good chunk of them do). This is a video of the game in action. Enjoy. - ADDITION - Like Us On Facebook:   / thegamingsanctuary   Follow Us On Twitter:   / gs_vyse_and_bel   Visit Us At:

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