Шейпак И.А.-Функциональный анализ и теория операторов-17. Spectrum of a Bounded Operator

Spectrum of a Bounded Operator. Classification of Points in the Spectrum 00:15 Banach Bounded Inverse Theorem 02:45 Spectrum, Resolvent Set, and Resolvent. Classification of Points in the Spectrum. Properties of the Spectrum 41:19 Spectrum of the Adjoint Operator 01:08:51 Spectrum of a Normal Operator 01:12:58 Spectrum of a Self-Adjoint Operator 01:27:14 Spectral Radius Ссылка на плейлист YT:    • Функциональный анализ и теория операт...   Ссылка на плейлист VK: https://vk.com/video/playlist/-176441...
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