❃ HELLO NEIGHBOUR (ПРИВЕТ СОСЕД) ВТОРАЯ СЕРИЯ.❃ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ПОДПИШИСЬ (SHAMBY): https://www.youtube.com/@shamby330/fe...
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello Neighbor - это стелс-хоррор-игра о том, как проникнуть в дом вашего соседа, чтобы выяснить, какие ужасные секреты он прячет в подвале. Вы играете против продвинутого искусственного интеллекта, который изучает каждое ваше движение. Действительно нравится лазить через окно на заднем дворе? Ожидайте, что там будет медвежий капкан. Прокрадываетесь через парадную дверь? Скоро там будут камеры. Пытаетесь сбежать? Сосед найдет короткий путь и поймает вас. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▹Ссылки из видео Трейлеры: Prototype (прототип):    • Hello Neighbor Announcement Trailer   Скачать: Prototype (прототип):
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ▹Ссылки Мой Twitter:   / shambyshamby1   Спрашивай:
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(упомяну в следующем видео) 🚨--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------🚔 1 Модератор (Quite CatCake) VK: https://vk.com/id616410274
2 Модератор (Fyrchyk) VK: https://vk.com/fyrchyk
3 Модератор (ДиДавн) VK: https://vk.com/shipovnik_ship
🚨--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------🚔 ▹Теги: #приветсосед #helloneighbor #привет #сосед #hello #neighbour #презентация #presentation #earlyprototype #early #prototype #прототип #ранний #ключ #замок #доски #взлом #проник #молоток #exit #выход #подвал #секреты #секрет #хоррор #horror -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Текст (который в конце): I did, did you hear what happened last night? What? After the, after the outdoor party. Yeah. She had an orange ring that got together. Shut up. Totally. No way. I could kinda saw her coming, but you know what? Ew. I just tried not to go there. I totally... Did you see them? No, what are you doing? I don't know. Did they do anything to play? Did they leave? Did they go back to her play? No, all I noticed is that couch is moved by people. Oh, gross! But you know what? Honestly? I saw it coming. Those guys have been checking each other out. Yeah, I mean, they've kept the touch somewhere. I know, but that's totally disgusting. I kinda wanna laugh a little bit just to keep them in shit, you know? You know what? Like, I know, I mean, Jen's married. But, uh, I'd get some constraints that I was back in the way. Me too. I could be in love to send them an email. A little bit evil. I wish I had it on tape. I don't even wanna picture her with her shirt off, man. Ugh. I know, it's terrible. It totally gross. And he's no prize either. I know. I know. Dude. I sit on that couch every lunch hour and we're sitting on it, Barrow. Not anymore. Ew. That's what I thought he. If we tell, like, I'll be mad when we let that. Yeah. Make it get canned. Yeah. We could take some drones. What do you think? I love it. I love this idea. Now, how are we gonna do it? I don't know, but I think we have to do it, like. It has to be like an email that has to look like an accent. You know, like, they accidentally found out. It's really good. Yeah, you know. I think. I mean, we're going to. Yeah, you're good at that stuff. Okay. Yeah, I like how good you are. We'll get what you are. Oh, thanks. Did you hear one of them? TIME-CODE: начало: - 00:00 Hello Neighbor PROTOTYPE: - 0:44 Hello Neighbor PROTOTYPE, интро: - 00:50 Hello Neighbor PROTOTYPE, SHAMBY начинает играть: - 00:57 Hello Neighbor PROTOTYPE, SHAMBY открыл подвал; Well Done!: - 24:01 SHAMBY спалил базу инопланетян: - 25:06 SHAMBY начинает забираться на верх: - 27:28 Как снимали трейлер Hello Neighbor, в главных ролях: SHAMBY и долбанутый сосед: - 42:47 конец: - 44:09 какие-то разговоры: 44:10

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