Легкие и креативные навыки для изучения в 2024 году

Welcome to a brand new video that will teach all the cool easy and crafty skills to stand out in a crowd. Don't hesitate and have no doubts that you'll probably be hooked on crafts and arts after this video. We're looking forward to seeing your creations, inspired by these talented artists! Check Out These Amazing Artists: Thumbnail Image 1: BY HEIDI GRACE Instagram:   / byheidigrace   Youtube:    / @byheidigrace   Web:
Facebook:   / byheidigrace   Shop:
Other:   / byheidigrace   We're very aware not everyone starts out as a pro at everything that concerns art, so we wanted for sure to showcase easy creations for you to get into art and progressively take on more! Like this awesome watermelon made out of droplets of water that have only been faintly tainted with colored ink! Thumbnail Image 2: Don't be frightened by this amazing flower design on this paracord bracelet. Actually, it's not that hard to make and there are numerous tutorials to prove it! So if you're in the mood for making jewelry of your own, don't hesitate, because you'll end up with unique and beautiful pieces like this! As promised, another eays skill fro you to take on and prove your artistic abilities! ANGELSIGN Instagram:   / angelsign_   Tiktok:   / angelsign_   Shop:
CROCKD Instagram:   / getcrockd   Youtube:    / crockd   Tiktok:   / getcrockd   Web:
Facebook:   / getcrockd   TORY GIBSON Instagram:   / torygibs   Tiktok:   / torygibs   MUUDLAND Instagram:   / muudland   Youtube:    / @muudland   Shop:
SYL_FOISY Instagram:   / syl_foisy   Tiktok:   / syl_foisy   ERIC SCHWARZ Instagram:   / comicblues   eeenidany Instagram:   / eeenidany   Tiktok:   / eeenidany   Shop:
BEN NEWELL Instagram:   / worcesterterrariums   Youtube:    / worcesterterrariums   Tiktok:   / worcesterterrariums   Facebook:   / 2959370267632386   Shop:
くまぴ | KMP Instagram:   / kumapi.390   THE TEXTURE MUSE Instagram:   / thetexturemuse   Tiktok:   / thetexturemuse   akkolade Instagram:   / akkolade.studio   111THREADS Instagram:   / 111.threads   Tiktok:   / 111threads   CLAYMOO.CO Check out claymoo.com if you’d like to learn how to sculpt through their DIY clay kit! Instagram:   / claymoo.co   Tiktok:   / claymoo.co   Web:
Diandra Ranielly Instagram:   / mesasdadiandra   SKETCHYCORE Instagram:   / sketchy_core   Tiktok:   / sketchycore   NINNI Tiktok:   / curpitza   ALISHA Instagram:   / esoterra._   Tiktok:
DANI Instagram:   / tinker_wells   Tiktok:   / tinker_wells   HAND CRAFTED CAKES & SWEETS Instagram:   / beautyanddasweetz   Tiktok:   / beautyanddasweetz   T図案 Instagram:   / t_zuan0321   ADD.THE.GOOSE_D.I.Y Instagram:   / add.the.goose_d.i.y   BLACHE Instagram:   / the_blache   Submit your art video to get featured on our channel at: submit@quantasticmedia.com

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