Daisenryaku Perfect 3.0 Video 1 (German Military Demonstration)

This video is just a short tease of Daisenryaku Perfect 3.0 For the PC. This game is only currently avalible in Japan, but a friend of mine at work gave it to me as a birthday present. We play the Daisenryaku 7 Exceed on PS2 alot and it gives us countless hours of fun. German Campaign 1: NATO Forces are battling the Eurasian-Far East Military in the Middle-East in hopes of warding off further control of the wide spread axis. Mulitiple surgical air strikes from NATO have crippled the Mechanized Shock Army Spearheads but a resurgence of ambush and flanking manuoevers still continues against NATO. The 9th and 21st Armoured Brigade of the German Bundeswehr are commencing small but heavily armoured strikes against the remaining forces in the small region. Also, a small component of the German Air Force, are lending a hand to support further combat operations.

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