SuperLite 1500 Series Hooockey!!. [PlayStation - Success]. (2000). HARD. ALL.

.Played By PiE. - "January 16th, 2023". . .Wiki. - "Air Hockey (Hooockey!! (SuperLite 1500 Series)) is a budget air hockey game for the PlayStation. There are four characters available to either play as or to face off against. The aim is to have a higher score than your opponent when the timer hits zero, and to make that a little easier there are bonuses strewn across the table. Some are activated upon touch, while others are stored with the player until used. The only two gameplay options are 1 player versus the computer or 2 players versus each other. Strange & futuristic hooockey game with cartoon graphics.". . 00:00 - Intro 01:20 - Space Queen, Hard 13:26 - Thunder Boy, Hard 25:44 - Little Mania, Hard 37:56 - Diesel Man, Hard 48:46 - End Credits . #retrogaming #playstation #Hooockey!!

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