Wrestle War Arcade

The player takes control of Bruce Blade, a rookie wrestler. The ring is done in pseudo 3D. The graphics are sprites, but the wrestlers can move along the Z and X axes and the ring will instantly rotate 90 degrees to give a better view of the action if the player's view gets blocked. The available moves are punch, kick, and grab. The objective is to wear down the opponents' life bar, then pin them. Wrestle War gives you a lot of moves depending on the situation. If you punch or kick the opponent enough they will be stunned. From there you can perform an Irish whip which can lead to a drop kick or clothesline. Grappling forms the basis of combat and leads to plenty of secondary moves like a suplex, body slam, and special moves. You can even perform reversals and stomp them when they are on the ground. Every lock-up becomes a button mashing war with the loser at the winner’s mercy, very unfairly most of the time. You go through a series of matches to win the Sega Wrestling Alliance championship belt by facing the following wrestlers, each possessing their own unique wrestling moves: Mohawk Kid Sledge Hammer (based on Bruiser Brody) Mr. J (based on Jason Voorhees from the Friday the 13th movie series and the real life wrestler, Jason the Terrible) Don Dambuster (based on Road Warrior Hawk) Mad Dog/Nim Rod Falcon (based on Lucha libre star Mil Mascaras) Titan Morgan (based on Hulk Hogan) Buckskin Rogers (based on Stan Hansen) Grand Kong (based on Abdullah the Butcher) The game supports competive versus multiplayer. Facebook:   / insertcoinarcadeofficial   Email: insertcoinarcade@outlook.it

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