Pop 'Em Drop 'Em Same Game - Music Rip - Track 1


A rough rip of the first selectable music track in Pop 'Em Drop 'Em Same Game. PEDE Same Game was just released yesterday on the WiiWare service here in North america for only 500 Points. Europe has had the game for a while and I've been waiting to give it a try. At first, I was afraid I wouldn't like it but I love it. Really hard to put down. Expect gameplay movies from me later on. Back to the track, though, I couldn't help but feel that I should try to record it. I swear when I first heard it, it reminds me of the retro Sonic days - no joke. It sounds like a mix between Sonic 2/Sonic 3 and one/two tracks from Super Monkey Ball. The result is a great track. I've only listened to 2 of the other tracks that you can select in the Settings Menu before you start the game mostly because I enjoy listening to this while I'm playing so much so that I don't really feel like listening to the others. But I'm hoping that once I hear them all, I'll find another one to like as much as this great track. +++++++++++++ My Rating: 8/10 +++++++++++++ The above rating is to keep consistent with my "Best VGM" playlist. The rating is for the song itself, not the game.

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