Monkey Mischief Party Time - nintendo wii minigames

Game : Monkey Mischief: Party Time Platform : Nintendo Wii Genre : Party First release : 2008 Controller : wiimote, wiimote + nunchuck 00:00 Opening 00:44 rocking and rolling monkey 01:35 monkey memory 08:10 stealin steak 09:30 salmon slap 10:46 crazy bucking rhino 12:09 flying fiesta 14:04 jaw jail 15:52 hairy houdini 16:44 hurling hippo divas 19:53 monkey dropping 20:37 crowd control 21:55 monkey dodgeball 23:12 monkey masterpiece 28:17 flying monkeys 34:30 animal pull 35:19 bathroom chaos 38:20 monkey see monkey do 39:41 rhino rampage 40:42 math wiz 42:31 fast on the draw Please Support Our Channel by Click Subscribe 🙏 Thank You 👍😁👍

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