The Mystical Beauty of Halong Bay. Aerial showcase by DJI Mini 4 Pro. Удивительный Вьетнам.
Бухта Халонг – один из самых красивых морских заливов на планете. Тысячи удивительных островов разбросаны на огромной площади у побережья северо-восточной части Вьетнама. Ha Long Bay is located in the northeastern part of Vietnam and constitutes part of the western bank of Bac Bo Gulf, including the sea area of Ha Long City and Cam Pha Town and part of Vân Don island district. It abuts Cat Ba Island in the southwest. Nice place to visit. Halong Bay aerial footage by DJI Mini 4 Pro. Удивительный Вьетнам. #travel #drone #путешествия @LEMMiNOMusic Бухта Халонг — уникальный природный памятник, который давно стал главным символом Вьетнама. Миллионы лет назад морские волны вторглись на прибрежную равнину, изобилующую известняковыми скалами. Подсчитано, что 90% приезжающих во Вьетнам называют бухту Халонг главной целью своей часто неблизкой поездки. Это место действительно уникально и неповторимо. На относительно небольшой прибрежной акватории площадью 1500 кв. км разбросаны 1969 островов, из которых только 989 имеют названия. Toward the west is the shore with a 120 km-long coastline. It is located within 106o58’-107o22’ east longitude and within 20045’- 20050’ north latitude. The site is 1553 sq. km with 1969 islands of various sizes, of which 989 have been named. The islands in HaLong Bay are mainly limestone and schist islands most lying in the two main areas: the southeastern part of Bái Tử Long Bay and southwestern part of HaLong Bay. These islands represent the most ancient images of a geographical site having a tectonic age of from 250 million to 280 million years. They are the result of many times of rising and lowering processes of the continent to form a karst. The process of nearly full erosion and weathering of the karst created the unique Hạ Long Bay in the world. In a not very large area, thousands of islands with different forms look like glittering emeralds attached to the blue scarf of a virgin. The area where many stone islands concentrate has spectacular scenes and world-famous caves and is the center of Ha Long Bay Natural Heritage, including HaLong Bay and a part of Bái Tu Long Bay.