Let's see what the Glitchspace Alpha is like shall we? An indie game where you solve puzzles using visual programming mechanics Soon to be available for Windows, OS X and Linux, with Oculus Rift support Click Here To Subscribe
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GAME DESCRIPTION Glitchspace is a first person programming game that's centred around a visual programming mechanic. Set in a cyberspace world, you are trying to find a place known as Glitchspace - a by-product of cyberspace and its various glitches. A world that would allow for infinite possibilities, and access across all systems in cyberspace through exploitation. Through problem solving, it's up to you how you approach the in-game challenges; find glitches in the cyberspace world, and exploit them in various different ways, allowing for a emergent play experience. Glitchspace is available on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X, and was developed with the Oculus Rift in mind. (Although the Rift is not necessary to play). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SYSTEM SPECIFICATIONS Mac Pro 3.33GHz hex-core Intel Xeon 24GB RAM NVIDIA GeForce GTX 660 SC+ 3GB Music by Kevin Macleod Go Cart, and Itty Bitty 8 Bit
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
http://creativecommons.org/licenses/b... Outro/Intro Images drawn by Sirmi / sirmivorint Intro by