Battlezone: Rise of the Black Dogs (N64): (Commander mode) Black Dog Mission 1: Grab the Scientists

This campaign is exclusive to Rise of the Black Dogs, it's actually the first time i've ever played this on Commander mode (beat pilot mode on it a few times) These missions are played through the way I would do for this platform, many other ways of doing Commander mode exist since you have lots of options with how to utilise your units, what to build ect, since the game differs so much from the PC version, different tactics can be appropriate or effective Anyways this is rather straightforward, in my opinion, you don't really need to use your wingmen, the can't hit worth crap anyway, and will be useful as spare vehicles should you lose your starting Tank, you can use them to distract enemies if you so desire however, Head on over to the first Nav, taking out the enemies you encounter along the way, one way to defeat the Gun Towers, destroy 1 and hide behind it's S-Power, from here you can peek out and destroy the other one or it's S-Power, drive up to the Command building once the area is clear Now you need to blow up 2 sets of Solar Arrays, to cut power to the Research Facility located at Navs 2 and 3. these are guarded by Gun Towers, as well as mix of vehicles and Turrets, you shouldn't have too many problems taking all these guys out as long as you are careful, try and avoid damage as much as possible since there aren't many Repair pods around Final objective is to destroy the Comm Tower highlighted in your HUD, so drive over and begin clearing as usual, you will face a large number of units here so it might be good to send in your wingmen to distract allowing you to pick them off. One way to do this is to have them attack the Cafeteria Not sure what triggers the actual end of the mission, it's either destruction of the Comm Tower or all mobile units and Turrets?

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