Пройдена! непростая игра которая не давала покоя много лет. ZX SPECTRUM TRANTOR ПРОХОЖДЕНИЕ ИГРЫ ОРИГИНАЛЬНАЯ ИСТОРИЯ КОДЫ, ЗАГРУЗИТЬ ИГРУ С ВИДЕО КАССЕТНАЯ ВЕРСИЯ ИГРЫ TRANTOR (FCS).TAP #ZXSpectrum #RetroGaming #Walkthrough Коды бессмертия POKES: 54236,0 - боеприпасы 56596,0 - энергия 56711,0 - время 61008,201 - невидимость для чужих Коды телепортации: KEMPSTON; JOYSTIK; SPECTRUM; SOFTWARE; KEYBOARD; COMPUTER; CASSETTE; SINCAIR; GRAPHICS; HARDWARE; TERMINAL; PRINTERS; CONTROLS; WARGAMES; WARRIORS; MEGAGAME The order of the solar system as keep for thousands of years by the people of Zybor was coming apart. Growing dissatisfaction in outlying planet bodies increased as their technological achievements reached greater heights. Zybor reacted in the only way left to it whilst the technological advantage remained in the its hands. And so Trantor was brought from out the ranks of the warriors forces where a brutal streak and rebellious nature made sure his talents never reallsed their full potential. His credentials were perfect his mission was simple, to lead a band of outlaw mercenaries and smash the growing power of the New World NEBULITHONE before its atomic threat into an awesome cataclysm of conflict. But the Nebithons were not unprepared and when on return from a reconnaissance scouting. Trantor found the remains of his undercover force scattered amongst the alien landscape alone with the last fragments of his battle cruiser. hefelt the hate and rage surge through his body and withim the ice cold compartment of his mind. he recognised the burden that now lay with him. that all now depended on he - Trantor, the Last Stormtrooper.

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