Кобыла приняла игрушку за жеребенка!

Владельцы думали что будет весело сфотографировать игрушку рядом с их лошадью, но произошло непредвиденное: она приняла игрушку за жеребенка и страшно переволновалась, когда владельцы ее убрали. Успокоилась только когда ее вернули. В течении некоторого времени кобыла пришла в себя и игрушку смогли убрать. Кобыла несколько раз рожала, поэтому опыт материнства у нее хороший. Интересно, что лошади часто могут принимать манекены и изображения лошадей за своих сородичей, начинать с ними знакомиться, выяснять отношения. Комментарий владелицы: So the stuffed toy looked like her. He thought it would be funny to take a picture of them together. We had NO idea she would react the way she did. There are a whole bunch of photos that show how she started to treat the toy like a baby. I thought maybe we should remove it from her paddock and this is what happened. I would like everyone to know that we were able to take the toy out shortly after &'Sugar was treated with kindness & respect. Within an hour she was back to normal. It was never meant to tease her or to be mean. I'm actually a rescuer and both horses in this video came from very neglectful situations. Before we got Sugar, she had 6-7 babies in about as many years. Her last baby was born in a muddy paddock, overnight while she was wearing a blanket. Her previous owner was new to horses & had purchased her pregnant but rarely interacted with her or the colt when he was born. When my friend & I took custody of her we got them both up to date on dental, vet & farrier care & provided them training. As rescuers, we know how irresponsible it is to continue to breed when there are so many who need homes. We gelded the colt & when he was old enough we hired a trainer who fell in love with him and bought him within two weeks of working with him. He has a forever home with her. As for Sugar, she is now a lesson horse & takes very good care of her riders. She's an exceptionally kind horse & while she technically belongs to my friend now, I'm happy to say she is still a part of my horse-life. ИСТОЧНИК: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=...

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