Spycraft: The Great Game (PC) Playthrough - NintendoComplete

A playthrough of Activision's 1996 FMV graphic adventure for Dos and Windows 95 PCs, Spycraft: The Great Game. Spycraft is an excellent adventure for those who want their games with a serious, adult tone without being vulgar, or to not pander and hand-hold throughout. Its an extremely difficult game, but only because it fully expects you to do the mental heavy lifting yourself. No convenient exposition that makes life easy for the player anywhere here. It's pretty logical, though, and I promise it will leave you feeling quite self-satisfied if you manage to finish it without cheating. The different endings can be found at 3:09:41, following the main credits that finish off the main playthrough segment. I'd recommend watching this video at the 360p setting instead of in HD. The scanlines got butchered in the YouTube encoding, and the picture looks far better at a lower resolution. You don't gain anything from the 60fps since all of the in-game video is encoded at 15fps, and the text is still perfectly readable at the lower resolution, just softer around the edges. The FMV is more window dressing than anything else - though it's 3 CDs of video, they don't dominate the game play. The videos merely replace the standard 2D sprites gesturing wildly as actors read their lines. The video is excellent at conveying the drama and gravity of the international espionage plot, though. It's all well produced, of very high quality (for 1996, at least), and stars a number of fairly high profile actors, and convincingly portrays Russia, Italy, England, and wherever else the espionage/presidential assassination/convoluted spy thriller plot line takes you. I just hope you like to read. This is not 007 style spying. I mean, sure, you do sometimes shoot at people, but the majority of the game is spent doing research and connecting the dots between seemingly unrelated elements to reveal the next plot leg. I loved it, but I suspect that this is probably an acquired taste. The challenge of being a "spy" will probably alienate quite a few people. _____ No cheats were used during the recording of this video. NintendoComplete (
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