Турнир Warhammer 40000 40 000 40K, Space wolf, снова chaos space marine. Вторая игра

Турнир проходил в Челябинске 25.05.2024г. На Ваш суд выложена игра второго тура. Ростера ниже Еретики астартес HIN - 1336 Chaos Space Marines Strike Force (2000 points) Renegade Raiders HQ1:Abaddon Despolier [295 pts] - Warlord HQ2: Sorcecer in Terminator armor: Combi-weapon [90 pts] HQ3: Master of Executioner [105 pts]: Mark of Hounds Battleline1: 5x Legioners[80 pts]: Chaos Icon, 1x Lascannon, 2x Heavy melee weapon, 1x Balefire Tom, 1x Chainsword Battleline2: 10x Cultist[50 pts] Other Datasheet1: 5x Chaos Terminator [185 pts]:1x Heavy flamer, 3x Combi-weapon, 3x Powerfist, 1x Paired accursed weapon, 1x Chainfist Other Datasheet2: 10x Chosen [250 pts]: 6x Accursed weapon, 4x Combi-weapon, 4x Boltgun, 1x Chaos Icon, 2x Powerfist, 2x Paired accursed weapon Other Datasheet3: 5x Havocs [120 pts]: 4x Lascannon Other Datasheet4: 2x Obliterators [170 pts] Other Datasheet5: 2x Obliterators [170 pts] Other Datasheet5: 2x Obliterators [170 pts] Other Datasheet6: Chaos Vindicator [175 pts]: 1x Combi weapon, 1x Havoc launcher Other Datasheet7: Chaos Bikers [140 pts]: 6x Combi bolter, 2x Meltagun, 1x Powerfist, 5x Chainsword, 1x Chaos Icon TOTAL: 2000 pts Волки Factions used: Imperium - Adeptus Astartes - Space Wolves Total cost: 2000 pts + Number of Units: 16 + Character Units (Models): 8 (8) + Vehicle/Monster Models (Max Points): 2 (7) ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ == Stormlance Task Force Army Roster 2000 pts == EH1: Harald Deathwolf [85 pts] EH2: Logan Grimnar on Stormrider: Warlord [180 pts] CH1: Iron Priest [60 pts] CH2: Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf: Storm shield, Thunder hammer [80 pts] CH3: Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf: Storm shield, Thunder hammer [80 pts] CH4: Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf: Portents of Wisdom, Storm, Thunder hammer [95 pts] CH5: Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf: Fury of the Storm, Relic shield, Thunder Hammer [125 pts] BL1: Intercessor Squad: Intercessor Sergeant (Bolt Rifle, Close Combat Weapon), 4xIntercessors [80 pts] IN1: Suppressor Squad: 2xSuppressor, Suppressor Sergeant [85 pts] IN2: Wulfen: 5xWulfen w/ hammer, shield and launcher [80 pts] MO1: Thunderwolf Cavalry: 6xThunderwolf w/ storm shield [180 pts] MO2: Thunderwolf Cavalry: 6xThunderwolf w/ storm shield [180 pts] MO3: Thunderwolf Cavalry: 6xThunderwolf w/ storm shield [180 pts] VE1: Redemptor Dreadnought: Heavy Flamer, Macro Plasma Incinerator, Twin Fragstorm Grenade Launcher [210 pts] VE2: Repulsor Executioner: Heavy Laser Destroyer [220 pts] AU1: Vindicare Assassin [80 pts]

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