Wunderling Gameplay | The World's First Goomba Simulator?

Wunderling is basically a Goomba simulator: you're a minion, out to bring down the hero. Fun! This Wunderling gameplay is part of Rezzed Digital - check out more great indie games at
This isn't a Wunderling review, just a look at it's opening levels from the finished PC game. To make your own Wunderling impressions, but the game at
In this Wunderling preview you'll see us take control a lowly minion and chase after an evil carrot man. I can't believe I just typed that. What a world we live in. If you enjoyed this Wunderling gameplay, why not let us know in the comments. If you really liked this Wunderling lets play, please give it a like and subscribe to Rock Paper Shotgun. And for more great games from Rezzed Digital, check out
Thanks for watching! #Wunderling #WunderlingGameplay #Wunderling Game #RezzedDigital

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