Zero gunner 2 (default set) solo play

Game developed in: 2001 by psykyo Genre: 2d 360 turning shooter Default set: difficulty: normal, 3 life start, 600,000 extend If difficulty is high the game will started with higher rank system from beginning. Rank system: if player didn’t lose life the enemy bullet will coming faster. Clearing stage the enemy become more aggressive and have more life. About second loop. - When enemy has killed the enemy will fire counter bullets (some of them has not). - Every counter bullet is aiming the player. Usually it will make 2 counter bullet for 1 enemy. But if counter bullet has appeared only 1 it will directly coming to player. - also even if rank is low the enemy bullet will not be slower. - clear the stage won't increase enemy life. - Game play – Player can move 8 direction and there is auto fire button and turning button. 1. Turning marker Press the turning button will make turning marker. If player close to the turning marker player can turning more and faster. Longer the distance between player and turning marker more harder to turning. This is the main game play and using it well will determine whole game play result. 2. Special shot Each heli have own special shot to making game easier. But special shot need 1 Energy to use it and it can’t erase bullets. By getting small or big green E will increase Energy gauge with some score. When energy gauge reached max it will give 1 special shot. (some enemy will give more e item if enemy has survived very long.) Special shot max capacity is 6. After it reached max E item will give only score. To use the special shot press fire button and turning button at the same time. However player cannot use the special shot if special shot mark is not BLUE. 3. Rotor attack If player close to small enemy the enemy will be destroyed. Also it can give some damage too. However if player too close to the big enemy player will pushed by enemy and can’t move or fire the bullets for a while. Video recorded in: 2018-10-14

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