GungHo Classics Series - Evergreen Avenue

The GungHo Classics Series is designed to help players understand the basic gameplay of our Japanese-language imports and navigate the main menus. Evergreen Avenue takes place near a quaint little village where an eccentric band of otherworldly spirits has descended upon the realm of men. You basically act as their emissary and help educate them on the ways of humanity while simultaneously making them as happy and comfortable as possible. After a month of this, your rival butts in and you have to compete against him/her for the favor of these eccentric, godlike beings. General Japanese Gameplay Tips: For the most part, the expected functions of the X button and O button are switched. はい - Yes いいえ - No メモリーカード - Memory Card: If you see this, it's either asking you to load/save or warning you that it's in the middle of checking/saving. Keep an eye out for the Kanji "中" as it's likely warning you "in the middle of checking memory card - do NOT remove or turn off system." English Town Layout:

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